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monotoSTEREO.info values your privacy and your personal, sensitive information.
monotoSTEREO.info makes use of cookies and the collection of your IP address to help with the measurement of traffic to the website, which includes geo-location (and for no other purpose). By continuing to visit this website you are giving unambiguous consent to the recording and processing of the cookies and non-sensitive personal data as detailed below. Regarding your sensitive information, also detailed below, your action of filling out and submitting our contact form or emailing us to communicate with us, constitutes clear affirmative action and explicit consent.
Your contact information provided by using our contact form, or emailing us, will never be shared with anyone and is only used to reply to you. It will never be used for any marketing campaigns. Any information that you provide, i.e. name, location, email address, phone number, etc. will be deleted after 12 months.
Our website host, Wix, makes use of the following cookies, usually to keep track of your movements and actions on the website:
svSession :Permanent: Creates activities and BI
hs :Session: Security
incap_ses_${Proxy-ID}_${Site-ID} :Session: Security
incap_visid_${Proxy-ID}_${Site-ID} :Session: Security
nlbi_{ID} :Persistent cookie: Security
XSRF-TOKEN :Persistent cookie: Security
smSession :Two weeks: Identify logged in site members
In addition, this website uses a third-party service, Web-Stat, to monitor traffic to the website. By monitoring traffic to the website, Web-Stat may also indicate details such as your click path through your visit, your ISP (Internet Service Provider), referring site (if any), your operating system, browser, and screen size. It is important to emphasize that neither the IP address nor the use of cookies identify a natural person. We know that a visitor was on the website, we know if he or she was there before, but we don't know 'who' this visitor is: we have no way of identifying him or her personally. The cookies and traffic data collected by Web-Stat are not shared with anyone other than with this website. Web-Stat complies with user opt-outs from tracking via the "Do Not Track" or "DNT" header.
Web-Stat makes use of the following cookies:
('xxxx' is replaced by a number which represent this website's particular account)
wtslv_xxxx :doesn't expire: timestamp of last visit
wtsid_xxxx :30 minutes: sessionID for this particular visit by this visitor
wtscr_xxxx :30 minutes: click rank of last hit
wtsso_xxxs :30 minutes: timestamp of last hit
wix_xxxx :30 minutes: name of last page loaded
Please note that links to external websites, such as YouTube, are provided as a convenience on this website. You access them at your own risk and should review their privacy policies as well.
monotoSTEREO.info maintains a strict 'No-Spam' policy. Your email address and any other personal, private information will not be sold or rented to a third party.
You have a "Right to access" your data and a "Right to be forgotten" (to be permanently deleted from these databases). Please contact us using this website's CONTACT form, or by email at monotostereo@monotostereo.info, with either request.
We reserve the right to modify this privacy policy at any time, so please review it frequently. Changes and clarifications will take effect immediately upon their posting on the website. If we make material changes to this policy, we will notify you here that it has been updated, so that you are aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we use and/or disclose it.
Last updated June 19, 2019